Oxfordshire County Cllr Janet Godden and I continue our Get It Sorted sessions in local neighbourhoods, where residents can have your say about local issues. Surveys point to three major areas of interest and concern:
- Litter
- Local development projects
- R recreational facilities for older children
The Vale has made clear that one big aim is to improve their customer satisfaction ratings regarding street cleaning and litter pick-up, and this year they’re implementing new ways to measure your satisfaction with how they’re doing. One way you can help is to report problems when you see them: http://www.whitehorsedc.gov.uk/pay-report-apply/report
The recent public information meeting about the progress of Westway Centre redevelopment demonstrated the Vale’s intention to listen to local people. I speak regularly with planning officers at the Vale to keep informed of progress – I post info on my blog and in The Sprout.
Children riding bikes and skateboards in the car parks of abandoned buildings, and, more alarmingly, under the A34 fly-over on Botley Road is a huge concern to residents and visitors. Recreational facilities for older children can be provided by the local parish council with help from the district and county councils. Your local Lib Dem councillors are working with residents to find ways of providing safe places for older children to play.