Some people reported seeing a poster outside Field House announcing plans to redevelop the area that could lead to demolition of Field House. Similar messages came by letter to some Elms Parade traders. These messages were confusing and upsetting.
The notices contained misleading information; the deadlines given were wrong.
I asked the Vale officers about them. The notices didn’t come from the Vale. They said perhaps it was a legal notice required by the applicant, Doric. I spoke to Doric’s planning consultant, and indeed, that was the case.
Notices are required to be sent to all freehold parties and those with leases longer than 7 years. That’s why some traders had a letter and some didn’t.
At the time they were sent or posted, the deadlines were correct. Now that it’s taken a bit longer than expected for the planning officers to check all the documentation, the dates have moved along.
Consultation will begin the day the official letters to residents and local businesses are sent out, and will last for 6 weeks. Everyone will be notified, and I’ll post it here. Even after 6 weeks, you can still send in your comments. There will be more info about the consultation later, probably next week.