When the planning officer considers the Doric planning application for West Way, he will use two policy documents in his considerations.
The National Planning Policy Framework (commonly called ‘NPPF‘) is considered in its entirety. (It’s only 47 pages long, so not too onerous.)
The policies that have been saved from the old Local Plan 2011 (commonly called ‘Saved Policies‘) carry weight too.
And that’s all. We currently have no Local Plan in the Vale. And we have no Neighbourhood Plan in North Hinksey Parish either. Only the two documents aboveĀ inform planning decision-making in Botley.
You can read or download the NPPF from the Communities and Local Government site here.
You can read or download the old Local Plan 2011 from the Vale website here.
You can read or download a list of Saved Policies from the Vale website here. (See the list of policies that begins on page 4.) You’ll have to cross reference them yourself to the Local Plan 2011.)