Ash Close, the name game

The new close that’s off Lime Road near Yarnells Hill, where Arrundale used to be and Woodbank Homes now are, is nAsh Close 22 Apr 14amed Ash Close. This is in the Vale of White Horse District Council area.

I snapped a shot of the road sign the day it went up 22 Apr 14.  We’ve  complained to the Vale that we aren’t in South Oxfordshire District. Or, does the recent co-location of staff have a more serious message — that we are now part of SODC? Surely not.

Ever since the current administration decided to relocate the (already shared) Vale staff to the SODC offices in Crowmarsh, we’ve been reassured repeatedly that this co-location was a cost saving measure and in no way indicated a merging of the two councils.

On 29 Apr I noticed a change and snapped another shotAsh Close 29 April 14:

I’m 70% amused and 30% irritated. I heard that in a Vale by-election in April, ballot papers were printed with SODC instead of Vale of White Horse.

This isn’t good enough.


2 thoughts on “Ash Close, the name game

  1. William Gallafent says:

    You’re right. It isn’t good enough. It’s slapdash (assuming one is not taking a conspiracy-theorist approach) … and costly, in the case of incorrect signage which needs to be rectified. Note that there is an equivalent error at “For a list of polling stations in South Oxfordshire please see …” (the linked document is in fact the correct one, for Vale of White Horse).

  2. debbyhallett says:

    It’s all fixed now. I am told by the Vale officers it was a developers’ error, not a Vale error. And nothing to do with the re-location. We have to poke political fun where we can. Other issues are too serious to joke about. Another small error is on the postal ballots return address. It has to do with a need to have separate licenses with Royal Mail for each district council. Officers will see to it after this election. . William, I can’t get the link in your comment to open — will try later. I think these smaller errors were probably inevitable. Officers are happy to fix when they’re pointed out.

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