A panel of consultant architects met on 3 June at Botley Baptist Church to review the West Way designs.
There were 5 on the panel: four architects and one who was taking copious notes from which the report will be generated in a couple of weeks. This wasn’t a public meeting, but rather a part of the professional consultations the Vale Planning Department holds for major applications. The Vale invited me to attend as an observer. (It was SUCH a challenge at times for me to be silent.)
All in all, I counted 28 people in attendance. I had thought no one from Doric was there (it was all Mace, plus consultants who had worked on the designs for Doric). But I’m informed Mr Fasier of Doric arrived late and was somewhere behind me, so I didn’t see him. Actually, I may have seen him, but I wouldn’t know him; I’ve never met him that I know of, and he’s not exactly been visible in the neighbourhood.
In the morning they took a tour of the site. In the afternoon, we saw Mace’s presentation, and the panel asked questions.
Here’s a sample:
– Why student housing?
– What does the community feel about this proposal?
– Isn’t this more of an urban design planned for this suburban area?
– What about the experience of residents of Arthray Road? How can you help to make this less of a bad experience for them?
– It’s hard to understand what’s the front and what’s the back.
– panel members thought the parts that show on the street front (I can’t recall the jargon, but it was pervasive) were too varied, too messy and not showing enough distinctive character. They thought this plan could be plunked down anywhere, and they asked made it distinct to Botley.
– Concern about the big tower at the corner of Westminster Way and West Way, which implies an entrance, but there isn’t one.
– Concern about the one community building with three uses: church, community hall and residences.
– Isn’t ‘the box’ too big for the site (referring to the size of the food store building)?
– I assume you have a food operator in place? (Answer from Mace: Yes. I was surprised, since we’d heard from a senior Vale officer that there was as yet no commitment but late stage talks ongoing.)
I spoke with Stuart Walker at the coffee break, and he asked me what I thought of the process so far. I said I was very impressed with how the panel members seemed to understand the key issues; they were very sharp. They are experienced enough to know when they are getting hype instead of facts too.
You can see the artists’ sketches on Dorics website: http://www.doricproperties.com/botley/. On the day they had a fly-through presentation I hadn’t seen before. I’d like them to put it up on their website.
I’m watching out for the report — I think it will be interesting. Doric/Mace took much of the panel’s comments on board, and I bet we will see some changes.
[…] West Way Design Review Panel meeting […]
[…] (You can see my original blog post shortly after the event, here.) […]