I had an email from Unite the Union today, who are promoting a No vote on the Tories proposed NHS changes.
Here’s the text of their email:
Tomorrow is the 63rd birthday of the NHS – but it’s fighting for its life.
Despite the sham “listening exercise” and resulting cosmetic changes to the NHS Bill, the government’s privatisation plans are still on track. It’s up to us to stop them.
Without any action, Cameron’s “birthday present” to the NHS will be one that keeps on giving: cuts totalling more than £20bn in the next four years. Already this has meant 50,000 job losses, reduced clinical services and rising waiting times.
You can stop this happening. Please take just a couple of minutes now to send your MP an e-card and save our public health service.
Before the election, David Cameron promised that the NHS would be safe in his hands. It’s clear now that’s not true – and it’s down to us to protect it.
Please, send your e-card now: let’s make sure this birthday is not the NHS’s last.
I clicked the link to send an email my MP, Nicola Blackwood, to ask her to vote No. She’s a Tory, and I didn’t vote for her, but she’s my MP and should be representing me. Right? I rather expect her to support her party, not necessarily her constituents. Still, it’s democracy in action, right?