Seacourt Retail Development decision due

The Seacourt Retail project is due to be decided upon, now that all the Thames water obstacles (danger of flooding) have been overcome.

Many residents provided written feedback, and all letters are available to read on the Vale’s Planning website: (scroll down a few screens and you’ll see all the documents associated with this plan). Many people objected to the removal of the only petrol station serving this area. There were other objections to do with environmental impact, pedestrian access and more traffic for our already clogged streets.

But none of these objections are anything that will cause a decision against the application, as the Vale officers have said a  decision based on these issues would not hold up in appeal.

If you have comments, please leave them here. Or contact the planning officer at the Vale (you can find out who to talk to via the web link above)

Planning is very much run by planning policy, and the deciding criteria is usually whether an appeal about a decision would be upheld. (Appeals are very expensive for the Vale.) Personally, I think planning policy that doesn’t consider the last local petrol station serving thousands of residents of a growing and expanding village as an amenity, needs to be examined. The additional objections about the cost in money and polution (requiring motorists to make a 10 mile journey to fill up), also points to the need to address the policy.

It’s too late now for a policy change to save our petrol station, but maybe it can save the next vital service that developers want to demolish.

Changes to Garden Waste Service

This, from the Vale officers (I’ve snipped out bits to make it shorter, without sacrificing meaning):

…We will suspend collections for two weeks over Christmas, […] to enable us to collect the extra household waste produced at this time of the year. [We will also] collect extra garden waste during a week in spring, which we will publicise nearer the time.

[…] for new customers we will only accept direct debit payments […] We are planning to include a letter with future invoices to advise existing customers that we will be moving to direct debit payments only for our garden waste service before their service is next renewed. We hope this will encourage some customers to switch now but gives all customers up to 12 months notice of this change.

For more information on the terms and conditions, please visit the council’s website at

For questions related to the garden waste service, please contact Ian Matten on (01235) 547640 or

So, garden waste (brown bin) pick-up will be skipped in December, and we’ll have an extra pick-up in spring, with the details to be announced nearer the time.

But it won’t be announced in Unvaled, because the Vale cabinet are discontinuing it.

When I hear details, I’ll post them here.

Free parking to increase town business?

My colleague Councillor Angela Lawrence, today wrote on her blog:

COUNCILLORS will push ahead with free parking in Abingdon and Wantage despite warnings it is unaffordable.
The Conservatives promised free short-stay parking in council car parks by Christmas after taking control of Vale of White Horse District Council in May.

To read the whole post, see her blog: Councillor Angela Lawrence’s blog

Vale officers warned the cabinet on 8 July 2011 that spending cuts will be needed elsewhere to make up for lost income, forecast to be £250,000 a year.

In the Herald coverage, Council leader Matthew Barber said the council was committed to the scheme and the expense was something he had planned for. He said the council was likely to use the home bonus cash and make some (unspecified) long-term savings. What he didn’t mention was all the parking fees are going up top help cover this cost! When you pay for parking, you;ll now pay more.

Richard Webber, the leader of the Liberal Democrat opposition group, said the free parking promise was “electoral bribery”. He said: “It’s a promise they frankly should not have made. I’m really anxious about what’s going to have to go to pay for it.”

The previous, Lib Dem led council, had already given 2 hrs free parking (after 4pm is free instead of after 6pm). Under the new plans, those hours will not be exempt.

The Abingdon Herald ran some polls (as they do).

Should the Conservative-controlled Vale council push ahead with plans for free parking despite the view of its chief finance officer?

20% Yes, 80% No

They took it down before I could get a picture of it.

The second question was: “Do you believe providing free parking will increase business for traders in our towns?

Free Car Parking in Abingdon – the 5 minute decision

After less than 5 minutes of debate and consideration of the complexities of financing this scheme, the 5 conservative members of the Vale cabinet decided to provide free 2hr car parking for well-off car drivers who want to park in Abingdon town centre.This was despite a strong recommendation from the financial officers that the scheme not be adopted.

They also decided to raise residents’ parking permit fees, commuters’ permit fees, and fees to park longer than 2 hours.

But the main source of funding for this £1,000,000 will be the new homes bonus reserves. These are the funds paid to the Vale by large developers to support and enhance the community infrastructure where they are building swathes of new homes.

So, no new playgounds, no youth centres, no community halls for over-populated neighbourhoods in exchange for the well-off car drivers having 2 hours of free parking while they shop.

I find this annoying, to say the least.

It’s too late to convince the Tories not to do it. All we can do is ask the hard questions:

  1. How much is this costing and how is the cost being re-couped?
  2. What metrics are in place to measure the effectiveness of this free car parking on the vitality of the town centre?

Email, write, or ring them up. Let them know how you feel about this.

Free Car Parking – I wrote a letter

I wrote a letter to the Vale of White Horse cabinet, urging them to reconsider their plans for free car parking in Abingdon.

Here’s what I said:

Dear Matthew,

I’m writing to members of the VoWH Cabinet to encourage you to decide against free car parking in Abingdon.

I represent the people of North Hinksey & Wytham ward. We’re about as remote from Abingdon as can be, and few of us ever venture into Abingdon town centre. As a result, this proposal offers us no benefits, and will probably result in cuts to services that DO affect us, to offset the income lost from car parking charges. For example, discontinuing Unvaled to save some money — that newsletter is delivered to every household in the Vale — it benefits everyone!

I read the recently published report where the financial officer “strongly recommends against” the proposed free parking, for several reasons. These reasons alone support the fiscally responsible decision to abandon the proposed free parking for Abingdon.

If there is no evidence that free car parking improves footfall in town centres, and there is no fiscally responsible plan to make up for the lost income (approx £1,000,000 over the term of this council), and it benefits only a few residents (those who drive their cars into Abingdon), I can’t see the case for proceeding with this.

Taking action that is opposed to the financial officer’s strong recommendation against this proposal is dangerous to our finances, and will damage the reputation of your Conservative legacy in the Vale. It benefits a small group, by small amounts of money, but represents a very large ongoing expense in these times of central cuts to council income streams.

Please don’t do it. Don’t risk your legacy by taking a first big decision based on mis-guided ideas that benefit a few, cost too much and won’t help in the longer term.

Cllr Debby Hallett

01865 435794

Take a few minutes and send your thoughts to the Vale Cabinet. There emails are in the post linked to in Related Reading, just below.

Related reading: Free Car Parking – recommend against

Happy Birthday NHS

I had an email from Unite the Union today, who are promoting a No vote on the Tories proposed NHS changes.

Here’s the text of their email:

Tomorrow is the 63rd birthday of the NHS – but it’s fighting for its life.

Despite the sham “listening exercise” and resulting cosmetic changes to the NHS Bill, the government’s privatisation plans are still on track. It’s up to us to stop them.

If you want our NHS to live to see 64, please send your MP our birthday e-card today, asking them to oppose the Health and Social Care Bill:

NHS Birthday Card

Without any action, Cameron’s “birthday present” to the NHS will be one that keeps on giving: cuts totalling more than £20bn in the next four years. Already this has meant 50,000 job losses, reduced clinical services and rising waiting times.

You can stop this happening. Please take just a couple of minutes now to send your MP an e-card and save our public health service.

Before the election, David Cameron promised that the NHS would be safe in his hands. It’s clear now that’s not true – and it’s down to us to protect it.

Please, send your e-card now: let’s make sure this birthday is not the NHS’s last.

I clicked the link to send an email my MP, Nicola Blackwood, to ask her to vote No. She’s a Tory, and I didn’t vote for her, but she’s my MP and should be representing me. Right? I rather expect her to support her party, not necessarily her constituents. Still, it’s democracy in action, right?