Lime Road – 13 Dec 2013

Lime Road site entrance 13 Dec 13

Lime Road site entrance 13 Dec 13

Last week I visited the Lime Road development site especially to meet the site manager, Stuart, and explore how I might help. Well, I don’t wield a hammer or know how to lay bricks, but I can get the word out about what’s planned for the coming weeks. I thought that might be a help. Hillview is the site agent’s office, should you need to contact him.

Christmas break: last day of work 20 Dec 13, first day back is 6th Jan 2014.

Just completed: brick work on show homes is done, so the brick-layers (and associated deliveries) are finished for a bit.

This week before Christmas, the focus is on getting the main entrance road finished and tarmacked. (They call it ‘blacked’.) The main gate will have a gate-guard with special care taken during the school commute time (8:30-9 and I don’t remember if they said 3-3:30 or 3:30 to 4pm — but during the main time for walking home from school). Deliveries will avoid these times. Hopefully the fencing around the construction site will be completed (it’s partially there now).

Once the road is done, the full time gateman will see a delivery lorry approaching (and they will always come from Cumnor Hill direction) and wave them in the gate so the deliveries are made well back in the site.

The Christmas break is a welcome two weeks.

From 6th of Jan, the first job is to remove the two remaining buildings. Expect some noise and dust, but they will do what they can to minimize nuisance. Once the demolition is done, the rubble from all over the site will be hauled away, so there will be some noisy and dusty work for a few days. (They anticipate 4 days.)

The no-parking cones that have been crushed by lorries (irony not lost) will be maintained. Please could residents not park there. Additionally, the two-car-length spot just in front of Hillview should be kept clear. This is primarily so there’s no impedance to the buses making the turn into Lime Road.

The next area of development will be the buildings on the west edge of the property, adjacent to the playing fields.

I notice road signs are now referring to this as ‘Harcourt Place’. I’ve no idea if that’s official. For a short while they were calling it ‘Oak Mills’.

The parish council will be considering street names. Five are required, I believe. If you have an idea, contact the parish clerk on My imagination went along these lines: we can name them after citrus, since the streets are off Lime Road (Lemon, Orange, Tangerine, Kumquat and Mandarin). Or we could decide on things related to Lime (Key, Marguerita, Dacquiri, Twist and Zest). what do you think? No, probably not.

Finally, can parents please remind their children to stay well away from the building site. It is dangerous to scale the fences, and against the law to pilfer supplies stored there.

All for now.



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